Thursday, July 10, 2008


In order to design the cabinet, I got to put my AutoCAD skills to work. I measured the Q*bert cabinet, made some modifications, and came up with this:

Those colors are just for visibility, they have nothing to do with what the final thing will look like. I made some modifications from the "real" design:
  • The angle of the monitor is much steeper, I don't want to look down into the cabinet.
  • There is a 19" standard aspect ratio LCD monitor. Some morons consider this small, but it fits well in this cabinet and is big enough.
  • There are two joysticks for multiplayer games.
  • There are six buttons per joystick.
  • There is a drawer under the control panel for putting a keyboard or chewing tobacco or whatever.
  • There is no coin door, at least for now. That can be added later when I feel like wasting even more money on useless junk.

Searching for info on the web was helpful in figuring out what should be done. It turns out that someone else already documented their Q*bert cab building process, and it's way better than what I will be doing. Here is a link: